Onvo Documentation
Customising the UI

Customizing the design of embedded dashboards

This section will walk you through customizing the design of the dashboard once embedded in your product

Customizing the UI

When using an iframe

If you embed dashboards using the iframe method, you can make changes to the UI by heading over to https://dashboard.onvo.ai/dashboards/:dashboard-id/settings (opens in a new tab). Here you will find multiple options to customise.

Customizing the UI

When using the react library

If you are using the react library, you have a few options to customise the interface in the library. You also have endless customisability by changing the styles using css.

<DashboardList variant="list|grid" columns={3}></DashboardList>
<Dashboard editable={false|true}>
    <DashboardGrid spacing={10} />
    <DashboardQuestions />