Onvo Documentation


Onvo AI is a platform that lets you embed beautiful, user friendly dashboards into your products. It's powered by AI so your users do not have to be technical in order to use it.

This documentation provides an overview of how to use Onvo AI embedded into your products. It encompasses a collection of endpoints that allow seamless interaction with Onvo's servers. These endpoints can be utilized for various purposes, and we strive to make the integration process straightforward.

A guide to quickly get started with Onvo AI
Get familiar with the terminology used by Onvo AI
API Reference
Work with data from Onvo AI on your system
Learn about the different platforms Onvo AI works with


For developers using javascript, python or rust, we recommend leveraging the native package to consume these endpoints effectively. This package provides a streamlined approach to interacting with the API.

For developers using react, we recommend leveraging the @onvo-ai/react package to visualize the dashboards. You can also use iframes for building dashboards which is covered in the Quickstart section.

Used to communicate with Onvo AI's APIs from a javascript environment like Node.js
Used to communicate with Onvo AI's APIs from a python environment using pip
Used to embed widgets from Onvo AI with full customizability over look and feel
A package under development to access Onvo AI's APIs from a ruby environment
A package under development to access Onvo AI's APIs from a rust environment

We are actively working on developing SDKs for other languages, which will be made available soon. Watch out for updates on our GitHub repository at https://github.com/onvo-ai/sdks (opens in a new tab) to access the SDKs once they are released.

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