All chart types available for dashboards
Onvo AI supports all the charts available on Chart.js. In addition, we also have quite a few custom charts that are not available on Chart.js. This includes metrics, tables, maps and more. Here we will go through all the charts available as well as example prompts on how to create each one.
Series charts

Bar chart
Displays data using rectangular bars, where each bar's length corresponds to its value.
Generate a bar chart comparing the sales performance of Product A, B, and C over the last five months.

Stacked bar chart
Shows multiple data series stacked on top of each other, illustrating total and individual values.
Produce a stacked bar chart representing the composition of monthly website traffic sources.

Line chart
Connects data points with lines, making it easy to visualize trends and patterns.
Create a line chart to show temperature trends in New York City over the past year with monthly data points

Area chart
Displays the area below a line, emphasizing cumulative totals over time or categories.
Generate an area chart to illustrate the growth of the company’s ‘Revenue’ over the past five years.
Radial charts

Pie chart
Divides a circle into slices, each representing a proportion of the whole.
Produce a pie chart illustrating the distribution of monthly household expenses for August.

Radar chart
Displays multivariate data on axes emanating from a central point, useful for comparing variables.
Generate a radar chart to compare the performance of different sales teams based on sales targets and actual sales.

Doughnut chart
Displays multivariate data on axes emanating from a central point, useful for comparing variables.
Generate a doughnut chart to illustrate the distribution of monthly household expenses for August.

Polar area chart
Displays multivariate data on axes emanating from a central point, useful for comparing variables.
Generate a polar area chart to compare the performance of different sales teams based on sales targets and actual sales.
Scatter charts

Scatter plot chart
Shows individual data points on a plane, revealing relationships between variables.
Generate a scatter plot to illustrate the relationship between the number of hours studied and the exam scores of students.

Bubble plot chart
Shows individual data points on a plane, revealing relationships between variables.
Generate a bubble plot to illustrate the relationship between the number of hours studied and the exam scores of students.
Custom charts

Provides a concise value or key performance indicator for quick information consumption.
Create a metric to visualize the total revenue for the current month.

Provides a concise value or key performance indicator for quick information consumption.
Create a funnel chart to visualize the conversion rate of a marketing campaign.

Organizes data into rows and columns for structured and detailed information viewing.
Create a table to show each state and the number of orders and total order value from each.

Organizes data into rows and columns for structured and detailed information viewing.
Draw a map chart to visualize the distribution of sales across different regions.